What do you count as an order?

We count each unique order only once when it is scheduled to a route. You’re free to reoptimize your routes as often as you’d like or even carry orders over to the next day. 

We don’t count orders that are uploaded but not scheduled – which can happen if our route optimization algorithm cannot fit them onto a route due to constraints.

Why is pay-as-you-go better than a flat fee for driver licenses?

You only pay for what you use. We learned that many delivery businesses only deliver once a week and many others rely on part-time drivers. We don’t want you to overpay for software when you’re not using it.

Why is there only one paid plan?

Choosing the right plan can be a headache, so we’re keeping things simple: We’re offering a single paid plan that automatically scales with volume discounts.

Can I get a free trial with more than 100 orders?

Absolutely! Our algorithm can handle upwards of 5,000 orders in a single optimization. Contact us and we’ll do a proof-of-concept for you and give you some free usage credits.

What functionality is included in the Free plan?

All features are included in the Free, with the exception of SMS notifications. SMS fees vary widely depending on the country you operate in – please reach out to get a quote.

Do you offer SMS notifications in addition to email notifications?

While we do offer SMS notifications, we recommend using email notifications with our Delivery Tracker for the following reasons:

- Better deliverability. Telecom providers around the world are adopting more stringent rules and can filter out your SMS notifications at their discretion (without notifying Routific).

- Sending email is vastly cheaper than sending SMS.

- While SMS still has the benefit of sending time-sensitive messages, you can send the estimated time-window of delivery and our Delivery Tracker via email far in advance. Your customers can then use the Delivery Tracker to see the latest ETAs and watch the driver approach in real-time.

If you still want to offer SMS as part of your delivery experience, this is still an option as an add-on. Please reach out for a quote.

How much money can Routific save my business?

It depends on your scale, but we’ve seen anything from 15%~40% reduction in mileage, drive time, and fleet size. Send us some sample routes and we’ll be delighted to show a before and after comparison.

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